VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 has been formulated with special cleansing technology, dispersant, anti-oxidant, anti-rust, anti-wear and anti-foam properties. It works harder to protect than conventional motor oils by continuously preventing dirt and sludge build-up and reduces engine noise.

ApplicationPerformance Features and BenefitsSpecification & Approvals
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 is recommended for use in passenger cars, light trucks, sport utility vehicles, and other stationary or mobile engines
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 has been formulated to provide robust engine performance in a variety of off-highway application or older off-highway diesel engine.
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 suitable for turbo-charged and non-turbo charged.
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 has been formulated to provides excellent effectiveness in
    cleanliness of piston.
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 has been formulated for the commercial trucks & buses,
    agriculture and construction equipments, light vehicle, off-road vehicles, passenger car and
    also suitable for stationery engines.
  • Provides low engine wear, long component life, more operational stability and lower down
    maintenance cost.
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 confidently can be used for any turbocharged engines and
    provides protection and long engine life.
  • VAPRO SUPER TURBO 10W-30 helps minimises vibration and engine noise smoother and
    quieter drive and improve fuel economy.
  • API: SN
  • Volvo VDS
  • MB Approval: 228.1